Thursday, September 9, 2010

God Isn't Done With Me Yet

I was really excited to come back to my Adopt-A-Block site, after being away for over a month, to catch up with people in Pueblos that I have come to know and care about. It was hot and as the bus drove around the corner, to where we usually set up the food for the community, I noticed that the line of people who meet us there had grown considerably bigger than what it was before. There were a lot of new faces, there was also the regulars, families that I have known for the nine months I have been at The Dream Center as an intern.

After the food was given out, I took a couple of volunteers to the block that I usually go to, it was comforting to see the families that live there looking happy and excited to pray with us, like Phillipa and her three grandchildren. There was one house that stood out for us last Saturday though, a lady who looked very stressed and busy answered the door with a cell phone pressed to her ear and half-smiled politely as we said hello and asked her if she had heard of The Dream Center.

We were just walking away from her door to knock on the next one, and she came back outside her house and asked us if we could pray for her friend. She said her friend was in hospital in intensive care after being shot four times by her ex-boyfriend. We gathered around her to get ready to pray, then one of the volunteers with us from North Carolina, boldly asked the lady if she knew about Jesus, and when I was in disbelief that she had asked the lady about the status of her salvation, the volunteer had quickly asked the lady to repeat a simple prayer of accepting Jesus as her savior!

We prayed in agreement and the lady said "thank you" for praying for her friend and for praying for her, she looked almost relieved like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. What impressed me the most about this situation was the boldness of this volunteer. She didn’t hesitate for one moment. She was direct and straight to the point about Jesus.

It definitely made me question why I found this so difficult to do, why was I was so nervous about going to the core of what we were commissioned to do—to go and preach the gospel? It’s instances like this that reminds me that I still have a lot of growing up to do as a Christian, a hard truth to face!


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