Thursday, September 16, 2010

Big Things

My roommate always talks about doing “big things” in a way that will eventually change the world. You don’t have to be around The Dream Center for more than five minutes to come to the understanding that there are no small visions here. Whatever the Dream Center decides to do, it is all designed to have the biggest impact possible. In fact, this place has been built on the whole concept of desperately trying to reach new heights by having a vision that is greater than its provision.

Aside from very rare exceptions, there is no one on this planet that doesn’t want to do amazing and incredible things with their life. Our childhood and even movies are filled with stories of people that do incredible things, of people that are the best of the best. Recently, while watching a show on TV, the show’s leading actress began a rather insightful monologue. She talked about how the best days of your life are normally days that start exactly like all the others, and that sometimes the moments or days we think will define us turn out to be disappointments.

At times it seems like we have the similar mindset of waiting and anticipating a big event to provide a breakthrough. We are looking for a catalyst that will finally allow us to get over the hump to the land of “big things.” Unfortunately, many of us go through seasons where we are caught in limbo, in a time-consuming waiting game. There is no doubt that God has amazing plans for everyone, but like my mother always says, “God can’t steer an anchored ship.”

Going back to my roommate, he continues to do “big things” not just because he has faith they will happen, although that doesn’t hurt. You can credit the fact he is willing to faithfully take care of the things no one sees, which later produces huge rewards. The late, great John Wooden once said, "It's the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen." In life there are no big breakthroughs propelling us to greatness, only a string of smaller decisions. Taking a hint from my roommate, it is clear that “big things” only happen when those small things become more important.

Sometimes in order to do something everyone wants to do, you have to do things that no one wants to do.



Unknown said...

What a great post, Nic! Very insightful. Too many times, we take the little things for granted, but their importance can't be overlooked.

Thanks for posting this.


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