Friday, October 30, 2009

An Organization, a Refuge, a Community

I’m new at the Dream Center, so when word got around about an “all-campus meeting”, I wasn’t sure at all what was about to take place. I did know the word “meeting” didn’t sound very enjoyable. But my mindset changed not too long after we gathered together in the campus gym.

There was a big, bright, banner on the stage, commemorating the special get-together. The guys with microphones were energetic and ready for us all to have fun as a group. There was a messy pie eating contest, a funny “how well do you know your spouse?” game, a frozen turkey basketball game and free breakfast for the whole campus; it didn’t at all seem like the proverbial meeting I had mentally prepared for.

And more than the events themselves, the sense of community I felt during the hour-long meeting was such a blessing. The Dream Center functions as a major outreach in our area, the multitude of ministries we provide make this campus such a busy, busy place. And even with the sometimes chaotic lifestyle the volunteers and administration have here, they make time to come together and recognize the companionship that a body of Christians ought to have. And more than just knowing it, more than just recognizing it, that love Christ calls us to have is felt within our community here. And because of that, simple monthly meetings are such a beautiful thing to be apart of.


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