Thursday, January 8, 2009

A little= A lot

One man stopped to tie his shoes on the sidewalk on the way to work.
One woman turned around to turn her coffee maker off before heading to work.
One man pulled over to take a phone call from his mother that morning on the way to work.
One woman took the long way to drop off her children at school because it was September and the leaves were starting to change color…

These people are some of the few who changed their routine just a LITTLE and it changed A LOT in their life. Each of these people didn’t make it to work on time on September 11th because of something they changed just a little. Certainly made a difference in their life, didn’t it?

Sometimes we look at people’s situations and we think we don’t have enough to make a difference in their lives. But guess what?
It doesn’t matter what you give, it matters how you give it.
You may not believe me but sometimes that one dollar is the difference between feeding your children at night or having to hear their little tummy’s growl.
Sometimes that dollar buys that extra little bit of gas to get you home and off the streets of downtown LA.
Our society sometimes makes us feel like if we can do it all, we can’t do anything. But that’s not true.
You can do something.

Giving just a little can help to change a whole community.
How amazing will it feel to look back on Los Angeles when the streets are safe…when people have homes to feel safe in…when God’s presence is so overwhelming it’s hard to breathe and know that YOU had a part in that. Even a small part, is really a huge success.
Everything brings us step closer to reaching that next person who needs to know that they can start over.

Sometimes we don’t realize how the little things can impact us…but like the people in 9/11 who did something different and ended up having their life saved, if you give, even just a little, you can help save someone’s life.

Just a little encouragement to know that small things make a difference.
And you can change a life today.
Right now.
If you want to donate to the Dream Center, visit our donate page.

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