Saturday, January 31, 2009


Did you know that California has the highest amount of homeless people in our nation?

Our state has more homeless people each night than some states have in PEOPLE all together.
(Maybe I am exaggerating) The last thing I read, said that there was 80,000 homeless people A NIGHT in Los Angeles.

How is that even possible?

We were extremely blessed to have three photographers come down to LA and shoot for us all day today. They have been here since 8:30 AM and they are great. I have been telling them about the Dream Center all day...but you know what has been the most amazing thing for them?

I sent them all out on different sites today with Adopt-A-Block. One of the girls came back and she told me, "I had no idea there was this much need here. It is so beautiful and moving what you guys are doing..."

Do you KNOW?
It's so hard to SEE it sometimes, isn't it?
Even for people who are in these neighborhoods everyday...for those of us who live here...we see it everyday.
But do we REALLY?

Do we let ourselves see the need here? Do we let ourselves see the hurt? Or do we become desensitized and distracted?

If you want to volunteer, if you want to come see what's going on here, if you want to come and have your life impacted and REALLY impact other people's lives, PLEASE contact us.

The need is real.
And we really can help.

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