Something I have tried to teach myself while I have been growing up is how to see the beauty in everything.
That is one thing that the Dream Center does so well.
A lot of people come to L.A. and they see the glamour and fame. But they also see the hurt and the garbage. Some people will look at where we are and who we are helping and not see what is they really are doing. I think it is so easy to sometimes forget that the homeless man on the street has a family somewhere. Or that the prostitute on Skid Row once had dreams and ambitions that are probably boxed away in the back of her heart. Its easy to forget that God has a plan for all of these people. Something amazing about L.A. though, is that it has some of the most amazing sunsets I have ever seen.
Sometimes I will be in my office late, or walking by a window on my way to my room and my breath will get caught because it is so awe inspiring. How can something so beautiful fall over a place that has so much pain?
But thats the thing--- here at the Dream Center we look at this city and we look at these people and we see how beautiful they are. We see the masterpiece, wonderful and complex, that God created them to be. We see the hope for the city and the beauty that God has laid upon it.
There is so much more than just what meets the eye. Like a sunset, though it is silent and doesn't speak, our city and the people here often are so beautiful and so breathtaking that it leaves me with a loss of words.
Look for the beauty in things...God created them, I promise the beauty is there.
Glad to see you're not twittering so much. Blogging is so much better.
You are so right! It's like the vastness and beauty of the sky is exaggerated over LA. I can't wait to be there! I'm about to sign up for an internship. With great love from New Zealand, Emma.
PS - Check out my blog about my experience of Skid Row with Dream Center earlier this year!
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