Sunday, September 28, 2008

When God speaks

God has been to speaking in new ways so much lately that I find myself constantly wanting to explode with joy.

Something I have learned being at The Dream Center is how to search and seek for God in new ways.
I have been reading Jeremiah lately and if you haven't read it, I certainly would reccomend it. It's blowing me away!!
It's so interesting to see how God reacts to Israel's unfaithfulness and how He offers them chance and chance again to redeem themselves. I have had quite a few verses that I have read just leave me speechless. I found this one tonight and I HAD to come share it.

Jeremiah is telling God that he is being ridiculed. That everyday he is mocked for the prophesies he is bringing to these people. That the word of the Lord is bringing him insult and reproach. But he goes on to say this in Jeremiah 20,
9 But if I say, "I will not mention him
or speak any more in his name,"
his word is in my heart like a fire,
a fire shut up in my bones.
I am weary of holding it in;
indeed, I cannot.

How powerful is that?!
I read that and was completely blown away. That is exactly what I want. I want God's word to be like fire shut up in my bones so that I have nothing I can do except tell people, and share it constantly because it is burning in me. I want God to be the flame in me that ignites me, inspires me and brings me to life. I want His love to burn in my soul. I want His touch to burn right to core of who I am to remind me of WHO HE IS.

Whoever is reading this, my prayer for you is that God would ignite something in you. That whatever is bringing you to read this blog would be a flame...a fire. A fire that is shut up in your bones like Jeremiah so that you cannot hold on to it and HAVE to share it. I pray that God would establish an atmosphere of freedom and that nothing would hold you back. I hope God puts a love in you (and me) that we cannot hold back.

He knows us the best and loves us the most.
Let that start the fire.

Praying for you.


Anonymous said...

This is amazing! And so completely true. God is like a forest fire. Once started, it's almost impossible to contain. You always want to know more, and be closer. It's so amazing the love he has for us, and how that no matter what we do, his love for us only grows.
The one prayer I really have, and would like to add is for God to speak through us, believers. For God does not need to reach those who are already saved, just like in Matthew where it says that the healthy do not need a doctor. Let's just pray that through us people see him. That's the ultimate.

Miss you girl.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is really good. "Consuming fire, fan into flame. A passion for Your Name...:

Ms. NY

Anonymous said...

Top blog, I hadn't come across previously during my searches!
Continue the excellent work!

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