Monday, March 8, 2010

His Hands Extended

Every Tuesday over a hundred people line up on the Dream Center campus to receive free second hand clothing from our the His Hands Extended ministry run by Women’s Discipleship. I recently had the privilege of being able to help with this unique ministry. I wound up simply helping to regulate the line of men that had begun in the wee hours of the morning. I stood at the head of the line, meeting a new face, hearing a new story, every fifteen minutes, only being able to realize just a snapshot of their lives.

The majority of these men are not homeless; many of them actually have vehicles and homes. As they spoke, the look on these men’s face was a mixture of both hope and worry. They are here out of circumstance, mostly just lack of work. I listened intently to story after story of painters, construction workers, and plumbers unable to find a job. They all proudly stated they are looking for work to support their families; the ones lucky enough to have a job were only able to find part-time work. I heard name after name of sons, daughters, and wives they sought to support.

A few had been in the area near the Dream Center for several years actually. One man told me how he had been homeless ten years before it was the Dream Center buses that first started bringing him and his wife to church. As a result of the Dream Center’s initial support, he now lives in a small apartment and does part-time photography to help support him and his wife.

Another man told me of how he lived here before the Dream Center even began over 15 years ago. He spoke of how at first he was skeptical of the ministry, but as they began to be established he saw the incredible help they were to the community and how nice the people have been to him. In this time of economic downturn as he is still looking for full time work, he is so grateful that he can come to the Dream Center for help.

These men are not lazy, they are not unskilled, they simply are victims of a struggling economy. They have the same hopes, dreams, and struggles as any average American. They want to see their children succeed in school and go on to a better future than they themselves were able to create. These men want to show their families that they care for them. What makes me any different than them?

As each day passes I continue to see just how blessed I am. I am reminded of a song’s chorus that simply states, “I am blessed, I am blessed, thank you Jesus I am blessed”. I can truly say I am blessed, not just in the physical, but also in the spiritual.

Thank you Jesus that I AM blessed!


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