I had no idea what to expect for the first week of my internship at the Dream Center. Being from Chicago, I came with nothing other then four suitcases and my husband; ready to serve in whichever capacity we were needed within the ministry.
Having heard very little about the L.A. Dream Center was enough to make me want to see more and experience what the much-praised phenomenon of the Dream Center was all about. Upon arrival, Terrel and I were shown around the vast building and then taken briefly to our respective workspaces.
The week we arrived fell on one of the busiest weeks, the build up before the ‘Night of Dreams’ the largest fundraiser event of the year that the Dream Center puts on. This year the focus was on victims of human trafficking and new outreach called The RE:scue Project. I had been involved working with a friend at a non-profit in Chicago which had really opened up my eyes to this cause and I was excited to be a part of an organization that was actually doing something about it.
At the end of our first day, with tomorrow being a brand new day working in the marketing department, I found myself pondering, “What have I gotten myself into?”
The Next day, I found myself painting words onto one of the walls for the Night of Dreams instillation and cleaning headphones. The day after that I was setting up tables and chairs, hanging from the entranceway threading lights, and twisting, pinning, tying gold and white fabric almost everywhere. And on only my third day of work, the day of event, I felt a sense of comradery between staff, volunteers, interns, men and women from the dream center discipleship program (DCD).
Finishing touches on lights, table centerpieces and napkin designs were being perfected. From the early morning start until when the first of our guests arrived there was constant activity of cleaning, re-arranging and run-throughs for all the discipleship waiting staff and volunteers.
I was exhausted! But to see the transformation of the grounds into the magical place it had become made it well worth it. It was powerful to see what the people who worked at this place could accomplish and I was glad to have been able to witness it first hand.
Night of Dreams is more than just a big event that is put on every year. It is more than fancy decorations and nice food and an auction. It is an opportunity to step out of the comfort zone you have developed and figure out how you can really make an impact that is going to last.
This year’s Night of Dreams focused in on the horrific crime of Human Trafficking and the theme was "Shine".
The RE:scue Project is a new outreach that is making it possible to help rescue these victims, rebuild their lives and return the hope that was stolen from them. This night was an example of how each and every one of us can make a positive difference and really impact this rising crime by fighting to stop it. It was a night designed to show how we can shine our light into this issue and really be a light into the darkness.
For more information on the Dream Center or The RE:scue Project, please visit our websites.

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