God has been to speaking in new ways so much lately that I find myself constantly wanting to explode with joy.
Something I have learned being at The Dream Center is how to search and seek for God in new ways.
I have been reading Jeremiah lately and if you haven't read it, I certainly would reccomend it. It's blowing me away!!
It's so interesting to see how God reacts to Israel's unfaithfulness and how He offers them chance and chance again to redeem themselves. I have had quite a few verses that I have read just leave me speechless. I found this one tonight and I HAD to come share it.
Jeremiah is telling God that he is being ridiculed. That everyday he is mocked for the prophesies he is bringing to these people. That the word of the Lord is bringing him insult and reproach. But he goes on to say this in Jeremiah 20,
9 But if I say, "I will not mention him
or speak any more in his name,"
his word is in my heart like a fire,
a fire shut up in my bones.
I am weary of holding it in;
indeed, I cannot.
How powerful is that?!
I read that and was completely blown away. That is exactly what I want. I want God's word to be like fire shut up in my bones so that I have nothing I can do except tell people, and share it constantly because it is burning in me. I want God to be the flame in me that ignites me, inspires me and brings me to life. I want His love to burn in my soul. I want His touch to burn right to core of who I am to remind me of WHO HE IS.
Whoever is reading this, my prayer for you is that God would ignite something in you. That whatever is bringing you to read this blog would be a flame...a fire. A fire that is shut up in your bones like Jeremiah so that you cannot hold on to it and HAVE to share it. I pray that God would establish an atmosphere of freedom and that nothing would hold you back. I hope God puts a love in you (and me) that we cannot hold back.
He knows us the best and loves us the most.
Let that start the fire.
Praying for you.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Another of the exciting things at The Dream Center is that there are so many oppurtunities to help people.
I just want to remind you we also have an outreach blog (on the right of this blog) titled Beyond On The Walls.
Check it out to see what it's like beyond the walls of The Dream Center.
I just want to remind you we also have an outreach blog (on the right of this blog) titled Beyond On The Walls.
Check it out to see what it's like beyond the walls of The Dream Center.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Adopt A Block

I bet you have read a lot about what Adopt A Block is on our website.
It's a time where everyone goes out to different parts of LA and the sourounding areas and builds relationships with people.
Over the years, The Dream Center has built some pretty amazing foundations for this outreach.
We go to areas like Jordan Downs/Watts, Skid Row, Ramona Gardens, Imperial Courts, and hotels.
People that would probably never speak to you, eventually end up developing a relationship with you and trusting you.
It's amazing to see the same people every week. Sometimes it's really tough to see the circumstances people are in. The places kids have to play in and live, and they don't really have much of a choice. It's all they know and it's all they see. It's a huge blessing to be able to go into those neighborhoods that are gang infested, violence filled, and poverty stricken and be able to show those people they have another choice. It's amazing to see children just completely delighted by you wanting to play with them and give them the attention they deserve, and don't always receive.
By our actions, we hope to show them of a love much deeper than they (or any of us) can comprehend. By building trusting relationships, consistent relationships and unconditional relationships, we begin to see a real change in these people.
Sometimes it takes years of knocking on people's doors before they come to church with us. Sometimes it takes years of knocking on someone's door before they even TALK to us...but when they do...when you finally see that all your effort to help them has been well worth waiting for...when you KNOW that you didn't give up on them and they are finally sitting with you on that bus back to church...its a joy that can't be described.
Any chance to change a life is a chance worth taking.
The Adopt A Block meeting starts at 10 am on saturday mornings in The Dream Center gym and the busses usually leave around 10:30.
Come and see for yourself just how life changing it really is.
Gotta go catch my bus!!
Happy weekend.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Holidays and Magic

What's your favorite part about the holidays?
I love Christmas time. I think the whole season is so enchanting and captivating. It's full of hope that you don't always see in people year round.
There are only 81 days until the Joy Of Christmas show starts.
Joy of Christmas is magical.
There is an amazing show (free for all ages) that leaves you feeling like you have stepped into a winter-wonderland-tale.
"I'm dreaming of a white christmas" becomes real when half way through the show snow begins to fall from the ceiling.
But what's even better then the magic of the holiday is seeing the magic in the people's eyes. So many families that come to these shows want so badly to take their children to events. To have big Christmas moments and to let their kids experience the feeling of it all. This show gives them that oppurtunity. It leaves them with eyes wide and imaginations sparked. Not only that, but it leaves people with changed lives.
At the end of the show, Pastor Matthew Barnett gives an altar call and I am not exaggerating when I say people truly leave with a new light in their eye. There is something special about taking a day that means so much and opening people's hearts to show them just how special it really is. It's pretty amazing to be a part of putting this kind of thing on. It's an event that virtually everyone at The Dream Center is a part of. Whether they are greeting, in the show or doing tickets, there is always a way for people to help.
81 days may seem like a lot, but it's really right around the corner! Keep looking at our website to see updates. These few nights are sensational and I want you to be a part of it.
You will leave feeling inspired and full of love.
I promise.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
So we are starting this new thing here at The Dream Center.
We really want you, reading this, to be able to experience what it is like to be here in sunny Los Angeles.
I know that if you are reading this then there are probably a few possibilities as to why you are here.
There could be a big chance that God has been speaking to your heart about The Dream Center and you are curious as to what it's all really about. Or perhaps you accidentally stumbled about our website and ended up at this page, though I don't really believe in accidents at all :]. Maybe you were bored and needed some new reading material. In any even, I'm excited you are here because I truly believe you are here for a reason.
My name is Shannon but most people here know me as Shan. I am one of the hundreds of full time volunteers here at The Dream Center and I work in the Marketing Department with an incredible team of people. I have been here for almost a year and it has been the most challenging, growing and exciting year of my life. There are constantly a thousand things to do down here. Not only are we sourounded by the world (it truly is another world) of Los Angeles, but there are so many chances to change lives and impact people here. DAILY there are outreaches going out, there are small groups being formed, new people coming in, miracles happening, families being restored and vices being overcome. Sometimes I have to remind myself to breathe because I remember just how blessed I am that God called me to a place where I can have so much influence, if I choose to have it.
If you have heard a calling in your heart to explore The Dream Center, I encourage you to do just that. Look at the website, come for a service if you are in the area, come for a short term mission, come volunteer for a day but whatever you do, don't ignore the call. God is moving in Los Angeles and, trust me, if He is calling you to be a part of it, it is something you DON'T want to miss.
More soon!
All in kindness,
So we are starting this new thing here at The Dream Center.
We really want you, reading this, to be able to experience what it is like to be here in sunny Los Angeles.
I know that if you are reading this then there are probably a few possibilities as to why you are here.
There could be a big chance that God has been speaking to your heart about The Dream Center and you are curious as to what it's all really about. Or perhaps you accidentally stumbled about our website and ended up at this page, though I don't really believe in accidents at all :]. Maybe you were bored and needed some new reading material. In any even, I'm excited you are here because I truly believe you are here for a reason.
My name is Shannon but most people here know me as Shan. I am one of the hundreds of full time volunteers here at The Dream Center and I work in the Marketing Department with an incredible team of people. I have been here for almost a year and it has been the most challenging, growing and exciting year of my life. There are constantly a thousand things to do down here. Not only are we sourounded by the world (it truly is another world) of Los Angeles, but there are so many chances to change lives and impact people here. DAILY there are outreaches going out, there are small groups being formed, new people coming in, miracles happening, families being restored and vices being overcome. Sometimes I have to remind myself to breathe because I remember just how blessed I am that God called me to a place where I can have so much influence, if I choose to have it.
If you have heard a calling in your heart to explore The Dream Center, I encourage you to do just that. Look at the website, come for a service if you are in the area, come for a short term mission, come volunteer for a day but whatever you do, don't ignore the call. God is moving in Los Angeles and, trust me, if He is calling you to be a part of it, it is something you DON'T want to miss.
More soon!
All in kindness,
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