We don’t have to look to the slums of Africa to find poverty. Most of it is in our own backyard. When it does not personally affect us, we tend to overlook the needs of others. Maybe we have enough food every day, and hunger lasts but a moment before we are able to fill our stomachs again. But there are people who don’t have that option. In Los Angeles alone, there are thousands of people who are not living that so-called American dream because they are burdened by poverty. You can look away from these people…but do you REALLY want to?
Sure, nearly everyone in our country is dealing with the descending economy, but some of us are getting hit- hard. Hardworking parents are now struggling to keep their children fed. People who never would have imagined losing their homes are now living in homeless shelters and are praying for a way out.
The “junk” mail comes into your mailbox: ‘Please help Lucy get a meal this week. Your gift can prevent her from starving’- maybe you didn’t read that part of the letter because you saw that sad picture of Lucy and didn’t want any part of her life. You tossed her story in the garbage bin because she isn’t your daughter or sister or niece. But she is a real person with real needs who really needs your help. Alma, Carmen, Paul, Victor, etc.- they all exist and all have stories that have been shared from coast to coast. They live in the inner cities and destitute communities of Los Angeles.
Maybe like them, you are struggling with money. Times are tough and our checks aren’t always enough. But you can make a difference in someone else’s life. Sign up for the Adopt-A-Block newsletter or read stories on the Dream Center website and allow yourself to feel love and compassion for your distant brothers and sisters. Whether you can give financially or not, God can hear your prayers for these loved ones. Nobody is asking you for a million dollars- we are asking for your heart. Will you continue to look away?