Right now--the majority of the Dream Center is covered in huge black tarp like fabric because the main building (the part that has no one living in it) is under construction to be renovated. From the highway, you can see the whole building and every time I drive by I can't help by think how amazing it is going to be when the building is finished.
Once this building is done, it will more than double the capacity that is being housed at the Dream Center right now. These floors are going to be filled with people coming to dedicate their time to a cause bigger than themselves and people coming to get a second chance at life, people coming to experience God in a more tangible way. These floors are going to be a place of restoration, power life changing tools and home to so many.
Its so exciting to be a part of history in the making.
Pretty soon the floors will be done and people will hardly believe there was a time when we didn't have the ability to house the amount of things we will have there.
I can't wait to see what God does.